
Let's power the world's weather data engine together.

ClimaCell® is a Boston-based weather technology startup that develops novel sensing techniques and meteorological models. We do things like analyzing subtle changes in wireless signals to then reconstruct precipitation maps at high spatio-temporal resolutions, or building nowcasting models that match state-of-the-art physical modeling with AI. We pride ourselves on creating outside-the-box solutions to problems that affect the lives of billions all over the globe.

ClimaCell is trying to change how companies, governments, and individuals around the world see and adapt to weather, especially in places where there is little to no weather data currently available. To do that, our engineers and scientists keep up-to-date on the latest technologies, and we’re always exploring potential opportunities to turn research into product with the best and the brightest in the forefront of academia.

Please contact us through this form if you would like to connect.

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